Special Catholic Character
St Mary’s Catholic School is school with a Special Character. We offer the children a "Values" based education using a modern perspective on traditional Catholic ideals.
The active delivery of key principles under-pin the reason that Catholic schools exist and is the point of difference that make integrated schools, special.
They include:
Commitment to God
Commitment to our Students
Commitment to Parents and Caregivers
Commitment to the Community
Commitment to Education
Commitment to Ourselves
It is manifest through:
Our responsibility to uphold the Catholic Special Character of our school.
Our mandate to put the well-being of our students first, respecting their rights and dignity, nurturing their individual sense of self-worth and serving their spiritual, academic and human needs.
Our focus on delivering the best possible educational programmes that suit each student, enabling them to reach their fullest potential.
Our delivery of the best possible Religious Education programmes for our students, and to relate these programmes to their daily lives and to challenge them to live the gospel values.
The Director of Religious Studies (Miss Ellen Devaney) is always available to discuss questions about our special character, alternatively information about the Catholic Church, Catholic Education and our Special Character can be found in the following webpages -
www.nzceo.org.nz www.catholicenquiry.org.nz
Parish Sacramental Programmes
The Sacraments mark important milestones in the children’s faith which are celebrated by the whole school and Parish community. At St Mary’s School, involvement in the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist are made available to your child. This initiation process is extended over a number of years.
Although parents are the first educators in faith, the Parish and School accompany and support families to nurture children’s faith.
Participation in the Church’s Sacramental life is the means through which people may enter more fully into the faith life of the community.
Special Catholic Character External Review 2018 - click to view