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Home & School


Current members of the committee include: 

 Emma Marshall (Acting Chairperson), Sam McDonald (Secretary), Kate Woodhead, (Treasurer), Nikki Tiffany, Sonia Jago, Jo Davies, Sharnae Adam, Diane Hayes – Principal.


Staff Reps – Katie Shaw, Tina Reardon, Shayla Rowley, Lyn Clark


BOT Rep – Gaynor Hayes


What does the Home and School do? 

The Home and School is the major fundraising group of the School.  Its main role is to raise funds for items outside the Schools Ministry of Education budget; in order to enhance our children's learning, the classrooms, the outdoor environment and the sporting and cultural dimensions of school life.

Another focus is to foster a closer relationship between the home and the school for the benefit of the children. The committee also forms an important link between the school and the wider community.   The Home and School relies on parents, staff, businesses and the community’s ongoing support and participation to achieve its goals.


When do we meet?    

Once a month.  Meetings are advertised in the newsletter and on the Home and School Blog.


Where do we meet?  

We usually meet in Room 3.  Meetings are open to all parents and caregivers of the School.


How can you help? 

There are a number of ways you can become involved in the Home and School activities, from helping raise funds to assisting at events.  We welcome any input that you may offer including any fundraising ideas or other projects.

If you would like to become involved in this active and friendly group or have any further queries, please contact us by e-mail through the school office, or come along to one of the meetings, you will be most welcome.  

 Please be assured your involvement can be as little or as much as you choose!

If you would like to help, or have a fabulous idea for a fundraising event, please contact the school office.

All parents/whanau and caregivers are encouraged to participate in the Home & School. A committee is elected each year at the AGM held in March.


What is in it for you?

  • Get to know other parents

  • Build relationships with your child's teacher

  • Meet people in your community

  • Develop skills that look great on your CV

  • More fundraising = less expense for parents for school trips, visits etc

  • Some fun nights out - it's not all hard work!

  • Have a say in the types of resources that are purchased for your child's classroom

  • Your chance to make a difference to your children's educational environment

  • You will be a role model to your children


Join our Facebook group: St Mary's Home & School


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