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Drama & Dance


Drama and Dance are an important feature of our school.  Children take part in plays, skits and receive formal drama lessons as time permits. 


Dance is taught and children also have the opportunity to take part in Dance Classes at lunch time – once a week.


At the end of each year, the children are involved in a major "School Production". This takes place in the Town Hall. We have up to 2 performances; the first one is held during the day - for the Parish, Senior Citizens, Age Care, Kindergarten, Play centre, other Early Learning Centres and for family and community members who wish to attend. We have our main performance for School families, that same night.


Each child has, historically, had a part in the show. As the children progress through the school, parts become larger and more complex.


Production has become a significant part of the culture of our school. It is a time when we all join together as a School Family to share in the successes of and pay tribute to, our children.


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